
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gei1
Part of Speech: noun
  • machines and electronic devices in general (measure word: 部)
    (Cant.) hoi1gei1
    (Eng.) to turn on a machine
    (Cant.) sik1gei1
    (Eng.) to shut down a machine
    (Cant.) bou6gei1waai6zo2m4goi1zyun3tau4bong1ngo5tai2tai2keoi5
    (Eng.) My computer is down. Please help me check up on it later.
    (Cant.) bou6gei1hou2leng3wo3hai2bin1dou6maai5gaa3?
    (Eng.) This electronic device looks nice, where did you buy it?

  • aircraft; aeroplane (measure word: 班 / 部)
    (Cant.) 機師gei1 si1
    (Eng.) pilot
    (Cant.) baan1gei1ci4zo2jiu3dang2go3bun3zung1
    (Eng.) The plane is delayed. We have to wait for an hour and a half.
    (Cant.) gaa3gei1zong6zo2sei2zo2hou2do1jan4
    (Eng.) The plane crashed, and many people died.

  • chance; opportunity
    (Cant.) 時機si4 gei1
    (Eng.) timing
    (Cant.) mat6sat1loeng4gei1
    (Eng.) to not miss the good chance
    (Cant.) 機不可失gei1 bat1 ho2 sat1
    (Eng.) to seize the opportunity
    (Cant.) go3neoi5zai2hai6gam2joek3ngo5ceot1gaai1gam1ci3jau5gei1laa3
    (Eng.) This girl keeps asking me out, maybe I have a chance with her!

See also: 飛機 坐飛機 便 機會 可能性 可能 商機 時機
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