
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ho2 nang4 sing3
Character Meaning:
can, may; can; may; to be able to; -able; right?
able to; can; able; capable of; energy; ability or function
sex; sex((male or Female); -ity((visibility,possibility,vitality,etc.)); -ity; gender; property; nature; quality; sexual activity; human nature; character; conscience
Part of Speech: noun
possibility; chance; odds (measure word: 個 / 種)
(Cant.) keoi5gong2zan1waa2ge3ho2nang4sing3m4gou1
(Eng.) It is not likely that he is telling the truth.
(Cant.) ngo5dei6m4jing1goi1dai1gu2dei6keoi1cung1dat6ge3ho2nang4sing3
(Eng.) We should not underestimate the possiblity of regional conflicts.
Synonym: Synonym: 可能
See also: 機會 可能 便 有望 分分鐘 不切實際 不可抗力 事實上 先決條件 可塑性 可能 換句話説 機會成本 無論如何 理論上 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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