
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zi1
Part of Speech: affix
  • inserted between a nominal modifier and a head noun, sometimes used to indicate possession; similar to
    (Cant.) jat6hau6zi1faat3zin2
    (Eng.) the development afterwards
    (Cant.) ji4tung4zi1gaa1
    (Eng.) shelter of children
    (Cant.) 之一zi1 jat1
    (Eng.) one of the ...

  • used as a constituent in the expression of a fraction i.e. "the numerator + (fan6) 之 + the denominator", which can be sometimes omitted
    (Cant.) sei3jau6saam1fan6zi1ji6
    (Eng.) four and two thirds

  • inserted between a subject and a predicate to produce a noun phrase
    (Cant.) tai2jim6sai3gaai3zi1daai6
    (Eng.) to experience the greatness of the world
    (Cant.) tin1haa6zi1daai6mou4kei4bat1jau5
    (Eng.) Anything can be possible in the great universe.

  • affixed to certain words, with no change of meaning
    (Cant.) 之但係zi1 daan6 hai6
    (Eng.) but
    (Cant.) 之不過zin1 bat1 gwo3
    (Eng.) but
    (Cant.) 固之然gu3 jin1 zin4
    (Eng.) no doubt; undoubtedly
    (Cant.) 固然之gu3 jin4 zi1
    (Eng.) no doubt; undoubtedly
    (Cant.) 更加之gang3 gaa1 zi1
    (Eng.) even more
    (Cant.) 不得之了bat1 dak1 zi1 liu5
    (Eng.) exceptional

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Entry #2
Pronunciation: zi1
Part of Speech: pronoun
used in certain set phrases for the object in a sentence; "it"
(Cant.) 珍而重之zan1 ji4 zung6 zi1
(Eng.) to treasure something
(Cant.) 避之則吉bei6 zi1 zak1 gat1
(Eng.) to avoid something for one's own sake
(Cant.) 總之zung2 zi1
(Eng.) in summary
(Cant.) 換言之wun6 jin4 zi1
(Eng.) in other words
(Cant.) 久而久之gau2 ji4 gau2 zi1
(Eng.) as time passes
(Cant.) 無日無之mou4 jat6 mou4 zi1
(Eng.) not a single day without a particular thing happening
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License