eng:used with two noun phrases to indicate possession; denotes that the latter belongs to, or is a part of, the former; similar to English " 's "
yue:邊個嘅? (bin1 go3 ge3)
yue:係我嘅。 (hai6 ngo5 ge3.)
eng:(It's) mine.
yue:嗰本係我嘅書。 (go2 bun2 hai6 ngo5 ge3 syu1.)
eng:That is my book.
yue:商場嘅廁所喺一樓。 (soeng1 coeng4 ge3 ci3 so2 hai2 jat1 lau2.)
eng:The restroom in this shopping mall is on the first floor.
yue:呢間公司嘅員工好後生。 (ni1 gaan1 gung1 si1 ge3 jyun4 gung1 hou2 hau6 saang1.)
eng:The employees of this company are so young.
yue:大災難已經降臨喺大家嘅身上。 (daai6 zoi1 naan6 ji5 ging1 gong3 lam4 hai2 daai6 gaa1 ge3 san1 soeng6.)
eng:A great disaster has befallen us all.
eng:inserted between the modifying clause/phrase and the noun; often translated as "that" or "which" in English
yue:佢係呢度最靚嘅女仔。 (keoi5 hai6 ni1 dou6 zeoi3 leng3 ge3 neoi5 zai2)
eng:She is the prettiest girl here.
yue:今日嚟唔到開會嘅成員,記得要睇返會議記錄呀! (gam1 jat6 lai4 m4 dou2 hoi1 wui2 ge3 sing4 jyun4, gei3 dak1 jiu3 tai2 faan1 wui6 ji5 gei3 luk6 aa3!)
eng:Members who couldn't attend today's meeting, please remember to read the minutes!
yue:呢個係一個喺美國好出名嘅網站。 (ni1 go3 hai6 jat1 go3 hai2 mei5 gwok3 hou2 ceot1 meng2 ge3 mong5 zaam6.)
eng:This is a website that is famous in the United States.
yue:呢兩箱嘅冬天衫,你好似冇乜點着噉噃。 (ni1 loeng5 soeng1 ge3 dung1 tin1 saam1, nei5 hou2 ci5 mou5 mat1 dim2 zoek3 gam2 bo3.)
eng:You don't seem to wear these two boxes of winter clothes very often.
eng:used to express doubt or inquire into the reasons behind something
yue:點解嘅? (dim2 gaai2 ge2?)
yue:乜你重喺度嘅? (mat1 nei5 zung6 hai2 dou6 ge2?)
eng:How come you're still here?
yue:你做乜唔走嘅? (nei5 zou6 mat1 m4 zau2 ge2?)
eng:Why haven't you left yet?
yue:你搞咩嚟啊?周身傷嘅? (nei5 gaau2 me1 lei4 aa3? zau1 san1 soeng1 ge2?)
eng:What happened? Why have you got bruises everywhere?
yue:收唔到訊號嘅? (sau1 m4 dou2 seon3 hou6 ge2?)
eng:Why is there no signal?
eng:used in rhetorical questions to express exclamation, as a variant of sense 1 with a weaker interrogative sense
yue:又會咁啱嘅? (jau6 wui5 gam3 ngaam1 ge2?)
eng:What a coincidence!
yue:噉重成世界嘅? (gam2 zung6 sing4 sai3 gaai3 ge2?)
eng:What has become of this world?
yue:唔畀人行都有嘅? (m4 bei2 jan4 haang4 dou1 jau5 ge2?)
eng:Why are you forbidding people from passing through?
yue:粒士多啤梨咁酸嘅! (nap1 si6 do1 be1 lei2 gam3 syun1 ge2!)
eng:What a sour strawberry!
yue:隻玩具熊咁得意嘅,邊度買㗎? (zek3 wun6 geoi6 hung4 gam3 dak1 ji3 ge2, bin1 dou6 maai5 gaa3?)
eng:Such a cute teddy bear. Where did you buy it?
yue:仆你個街,亞視嚟嘅! (puk1 nei5 go3 gaai1, aa3 si6 lei4 ge2!)
eng:What the bloody hell, it's ATV!
yue:呢度都唔好玩嘅,走喇。 (ni1 dou6 dou1 m4 hou2 waan2 ge2, zau2 laa3.)
eng:This place isn't fun at all, let's go.
yue:人家講得咁白,你都仲唔明解嘅。 (jan4 gaa1 gong2 dak1 gam3 baak6, nei5 dou1 zung6 m4 ming4 gaai2 ge2.)
eng:I'm making myself pretty clear. How can you still not understand?
yue:超!流嘅! (ciu1! lau4 ge2!)
eng:Bummer! It's fake.
yue:你份人都冇解嘅! (nei5 fan6 jan4 dou1 mou5 gaai2 ge2!)
eng:You are being unreasonable!
yue:噉嘅服務態度,都唔知係咪做生意嘅! (gam2 ge3 fuk6 mou6 taai3 dou6, dou1 m4 zi1 hai6 mai6 zou6 saang1 ji3 ge2!)
eng:What kind of customer service is that? I thought they were real businessmen (who knew how to treat customers right)!
eng:used in statements to weaken the speaker's tone to express doubt or hesitation; sometimes uttered with a prolonged pronunciation
yue:都好嘅都好嘅…… (dou1 hou2 ge2 dou1 hou2 ge2......)
eng:That's also fine, I guess...
yue:聽日會嚟嘅。 (ting1 jat6 wui5 lei4 ge2.)
eng:I'll come tomorrow. Maybe.
yue:OK嘅。 (ou1 kei1 ge2.)
eng:It's sort of okay...
yue:你都講得啱嘅。 (nei5 dou1 gong2 dak1 ngaam1 ge2.)
eng:I guess you kinda have a point...
eng:used to weaken the speaker's tone to express an understatement
yue:擦損咗少少啫,冇咩嘅。 (caat3 syun2 zo2 siu2 siu2 ze1, mou5 me1 ge2.)
eng:Just a scratch. No big deal.
yue:畫啦,張紙唔重要嘅。 (waak6 laa1, zoeng1 zi2 m4 zung6 jiu3 ge2.)
eng:Feel free to draw on it. It's just scrap paper.
yue:街度攞㗎,唔使錢嘅。 (gaai1 dou6 lo2 gaa3, m4 sai2 cin2 ge2.)
eng:I got it from some street booth for free.
yue:「咦,乜咁錯蕩啊?」「哦,我嚟揾阿晴嘅。」 (ji2, mat1 gam3 co3 dong6 aa3? o5, ngo5 lai4 wan2 aa3 cing4 ge2.)
eng:"Huh? How come you're here? I don't see you here very often." "Oh, I came for Ching."
yue:噉佢又真係幫唔落嘅。 (gam2 keoi5 jau6 zan1 hai6 bong1 m4 lok6 ge2.)
eng:Well, it's kinda true that he deserves no help.
eng:usually used with #咪 mai6 or 又係 jau6 hai6 to remind the hearer of a past event
yue:噚晚你咪話你買咗拼圖返屋企砌嘅,砌成點啊而家? (cam4 maan5 nei5 mai6 waa6 nei5 maai5 zo2 ping3 tou4 faan1 uk1 kei2 cai3 ge2, cai3 seng4 dim2 aa3 ji4 gaa1?)
eng:Hey, didn't you say last night that you bought some puzzles to do at home? How are you doing so far?
yue:我哋嗰次咪去食飯嘅,撞到嗰個咪阿傑囉。 (ngo5 dei6 go2 ci3 mai6 heoi3 sik6 faan6 ge2, zong6 dou2 go2 go3 mai6 aa3 git6 lo1.)
eng:Do you remember that time we ate out? Ah Kit's the guy we bumped into.
yue:又係你話嘅,閒事莫理吖嘛。 (jau6 hai6 nei5 waa6 ge2, haan4 si6 mok6 lei5 aa1 maa3.)
eng:It's you who told me to mind my own business.
eng:used to cite a fact as evidence in defense
yue:我叫佢咁做嘅,邊關佢事唧? (ngo5 giu3 keoi5 gam2 zou6 ge2, bin1 gwaan1 keoi5 si6 zek1?)
eng:I told her to do it. It isn't her fault.
yue:乜條裙真係唔靚咩?我男朋友讚我着得好睇我先買嘅。 (mat1 tiu4 kwan4 zan1 hai6 m4 leng3 me1? ngo5 naam4 pang4 jau5 zaan3 ngo5 zoek3 dak1 hou2 tai2 ngo5 sin1 maai5 ge2.)
eng:Is the dress really that bad? I only bought it because my boyfriend said I looked good in it.
eng:used to express confidence or assert a fact
yue:我知道你一定會幫我嘅。 (ngo5 zi1 dou3 nei5 jat1 ding6 wui5 bong1 ngo5 ge3.)
eng:I knew you would help me.
yue:唔使用劍嘅,用黑旋風(牌子)就得啦。 (m4 sai2 jung6 gim3 ge3, jung6 hak1 syun4 fung1 paai4 zi2 zau6 dak1 laa1.)
eng:No need for a sword. Just use Black Vortex (brand).
yue:係我叫佢咁做嘅。 (hai6 ngo5 giu3 keoi5 gam2 zou6 ge3.)
eng:I'm the one that told her to do it.
yue:冇事嘅。 (mou5 si6 ge3.)
eng:It'll be fine.
yue:就噉嘅,呢段錄音已經打好咗嘞,跟住使唔使翻聽對稿? (zau6 gam2 ge3, ni1 dyun6 luk6 jam1 ji5 ging1 daa2 hou2 zo2 laak3, gan1 zyu6 sai2 m4 sai2 faan1 teng1 deoi3 gou2?)
eng:So, this recording has been transcribed already. Should I listen to the recording again and proofread the transcript?
eng:used to express disbelief, usually together with 又會 jau6 wui5
yue:敵人嘅敵人就一定係自己嘅朋友嚟嘅? (dik6 jan4 ge3 dik6 jan4 zau6 jat1 ding6 hai6 zi6 gei2 ge3 pang4 jau5 lai4 ge3?)
eng:Are you sure the enemy of your enemy is your friend?
eng:"if you really ...", commonly used in a persuasion, request or complaint; the conjunction is added to the end of a clause, and followed by another clause with the word #就 zau6, to convey a strong if-then logical relation: if the second clause (either a request or statement) is not fulfilled, then the first clause is nullified
yue:識趣嘅就唔好阻住晒。 (sik1 ceoi3 ge3 zau6 m4 hou2 zo2 zyu6 saai3.)
eng:If you are smart, then stop getting in the way.
yue:係朋友嘅就唔該幫下手啦。 (hai6 pang4 jau5 ge3 zau6 m4 goi1 bong1 haa5 sau2 laa1.)
eng:If you really are a friend of mine, you should help us out.
yue:愛我嘅就離開我啦。 (oi3 ngo5 ge3 zau6 lei4 hoi1 ngo5 laa1.)
eng:If you love me, then leave me for good.