「保證 / 保証」

Entry #1
  • 保證 bou2 zing3
  • 保証 bou2 zing3
Character Meaning:
to protect; to defend; to guard; to maintain; to keep status quo; to guarantee; to keep; to preserve; to bail out
to prove; to provide evidence; to testify; to verify; certificate
Part of Speech: verb
to guarantee; to assure; to pledge
(Cant.) ngo5bou2zing3jat1ding6m4wui5zoeng1go3bei3mat6gong2ceot1lai4
(Eng.) I assure you I will definitely not let the secret out.
(Cant.) bou2zing3sing4gung1fau2zak1jyun4ngan2fung6waan4
(Eng.) Success is guaranteed. Otherwise the full-amount will be refunded.
(Cant.) ngo5bou2zing3nei5mou5si6aa3
(Eng.) I can guarantee that you'll be fine.
Synonym: Synonym: 擔保
See also: 按金 保證金 確保 包保 寫包單 confirm 擔保 強心針 誓詞 誓 押 起誓 先決條件 包保 大前提 承保 換句話説 理論上 百分百 確保 肯定 頂證 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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