
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wai4 faan2
Character Meaning:

the reverse side; to oppose; to turn over; in reverse; on the contrary; instead; to rebel against; tease, prank, play
Part of Speech: verb
to violate; to infringe; to breach
(Cant.) wai4faan2gaau1tung1kwai1zak1
(Eng.) to violate traffic regulations
(Cant.) wai4faan2bou2sik1tiu4gin2
(Eng.) to breach the bail conditions
(Cant.) wai4faan2sing4nok6
(Eng.) to break the promise
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 遵守
See also: 破壞 侵犯 侵 衝破 決口 干犯 抵觸 有違 觸犯 違憲 違抗 違法 違背 違規 遵守 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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