
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cam1 faan6
Character Meaning:
long-winded; garrulous; loquacious; to invade; to infringe; to intrude; add in (some water)
to commit; to violate; convict; criminal; to offend; to be against
Part of Speech: verb
to infringe; to violate; to intrude
(Cant.) cam1faan6baan2kyun4
(Eng.) to infringe the copyright
(Cant.) 性侵犯sing3 cam1 faan6
(Eng.) sexual abuse
(Cant.) jau5saam1gaa3baa1gei1si1taan2ge3zin3gei1bei6zi2cam1faan6aa3fu3hon6ge3ling5hung1
(Eng.) Three Pakistan fighter planes were accused of intruding Afghanistan's airspace.
See also: 違反 侵 觸 破壞 入侵 人身自由 侵吞 侵奪 侵害 剝奪 加害 妨害 損害 踐踏 騷擾 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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