
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceoi4 cou2
Character Meaning:
to divide; to take off; to get rid of; to eliminate; to remove; (math.) to divide; besides; in addition to; except; stench; usually body odour
grass; draft; careless; sloppy; cursive
Part of Speech: verb
to weed; to remove small and unwanted plants, usually from garden or farm
(Cant.) ceoi4cou2zai1
(Eng.) herbicide
(Cant.) ngo5cam4jat6zou6ji6gung1heoi3zo2gung1jyun2ceoi4cou2
(Eng.) I was volunteering yesterday and weeded at the park.
See also: 雜草 420 冬蟲夏草 剪草 含羞草 夏枯草 插秧 槐樹 水性楊花 臭草 艾草 花草樹木 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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