
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lou5
Part of Speech: affix
  • used to indicate affection, familarity or seniority before or after the surname of a person; after the prefix "老", if the last syllable of the surname is not Tone 1, it will become Tone 2. For example, "周 zau1" will become "老周 lou5 zau1" (i.e. no change), but "黃 wong4" and "麥 mak6" become "老黃 lou5 wong2" and "老麥 lou5 mak2" respectively.
    (Cant.) fong1lou5
    (Eng.) Old Fong
    (Cant.) lou5can2jau6ci4dou3laak3
    (Eng.) Old Chan is late again.

  • used to indicate affection
    (Cant.) 老豆lou5 dau6
    (Eng.) dad
    (Cant.) 老母lou5 mou2
    (Eng.) mum
    (Cant.) 老媽子lou5 maa1 zi2
    (Eng.) mum

  • used as colloquial shorthand
    (Cant.) 老麥lou5 mak2
    (Eng.) nickname for McDonald's
    (Cant.) 老廉lou5 lim2
    (Eng.) common name for ICAC
    (Cant.) 老臨lou5 lam2
    (Eng.) an "extra" in a film or TV drama
    (Cant.) 老強lou5 koeng5
    (Eng.) rape, a police slang
    (Cant.) 老爆lou5 baau3
    (Eng.) to burgle; to break into (slang word for burglary)
    (Cant.) 老屈lou5 wat1
    (Eng.) to frame somebody; to set somebody up; to wrongly blame somebody

  • used to indicate ranking, before "" for the top and numerals starting from "" for the rest ("大" and "二" become Tone 2)
    (Cant.) 老大lou5 daai2
    (Eng.) the eldest; the leader

  • experienced; senior
    (Cant.) coi4fung2lou5si1fu2
    (Eng.) experienced tailor
    (Cant.) 老臣子lou5 san4 zi2
    (Eng.) senior staff member; etymologically, senior official
    (Cant.) 老戲骨lou5 hei3 gwat1
    (Eng.) experienced and splendid actor

  • a prefix without lexical meaning
    (Cant.) 老虎lou5 fu2
    (Eng.) tiger
    (Cant.) 老鼠lou5 syu2
    (Eng.) mouse

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Entry #2
Pronunciation: lou5
Part of Speech: adjective
  • old in age
    (Cant.) 老態lou5 taai3
    (Eng.) signs of senility
    (Cant.) 年老nin4 lou5
    (Eng.) old; aged
    (Cant.) 老年lou5 nin4
    (Eng.) old age
    (Cant.) 老人lou5 jan4
    (Eng.) old person; the aged; the elderly
    (Cant.) wut6dou3lou5hok6dou3lou5
    (Eng.) Live till old age, learn till old age.
    (Cant.) jau5mou5nam2gwo3lou5zo2wui5dim2
    (Eng.) Have you ever thought about how life would be like when you get old?
    (Cant.) giu3ji1ji1giu3dou3ngo5lou5saai3
    (Eng.) Calling me "auntie" makes me feel so old!
    (Cant.) ngo5mong6lok6wui5m4wui5hou2lou5aa3
    (Eng.) Do I look very old?

  • of long standing
    (Cant.) 老友lou5 jau5
    (Eng.) old friend
    (Cant.) 古老gu2 lou5
    (Eng.) ancient
    (Cant.) 老地方lou5 dei2 fong1
    (Eng.) place at which a group of people usually meet

  • loss of tenderness due to overripeness or overcooking
    (Cant.) di1coi3zyu2dou3lou5saai3
    (Eng.) The vegetables were overcooked!

  • to lose function due to wear and tear
    (Cant.) 寶刀未老bou2 dou1 mei6 lou5
    (Eng.) old but still sharp

See also: 老牌
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: lou5
Part of Speech: morpheme
senior person (in age or experience)
(Cant.) 長老zoeng2 lou5
(Eng.) elder
(Cant.) 兩老loeng5 lou5
(Eng.) elderly parents
(Cant.) 遺老wai4 lou5
(Eng.) veteran of a previous regime
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