
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gau3 ging2
Character Meaning:
to investigate; to study; to research; after all; in the end; ultimately; exactly
surprisingly; complete; unexpectedly; to finish; to accomplish; to complete
Part of Speech: adverb
actually; exactly; used to intensify the "questioning" sense of certain types questions, but never used with questions lacking a question word, or
(Cant.) nei5gau3ging2soeng2jiu3mat1je5aa3
(Eng.) What exactly do you want?
(Cant.) gau3ging2dim2gaai2ne1ngo5dei6jat1cai4lai4tai2tai2
(Eng.) Why exactly is it like this? Let's take a look together.
(Cant.) gau3ging2keoi5lai4m4lai4gaa3
(Eng.) Is she coming or not?
(Cant.) nei5haang4dak1mei6aa3gau3ging2
(Eng.) Are you ready yet? Hello?
See also: 實況 實際上 事實上 先 就係 就是 究 直程 啱啱 不得而知 到底 姑勿論 心中有數 心知肚明 捫心自問 撫心自問 明知故問 試問 請問 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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