
Entry #1
Pronunciation: kei4 sat6
Character Meaning:
he; his; her; its; their
solid; firm; reality; fact; truth; practical; realistic; tight; hard to move; stable; full inside; not hollow; hard; substantial; certainly; actually; in fact; in practice
Part of Speech: adverb
actually; as a matter of fact
(Cant.) keoi5seng4jat6waa6zi6gei2jau5gei2sing2kei4sat6me1dou1m4sik1
(Eng.) He always boasts about himself, but in fact he knows nothing.
See also: 實際上 究竟 事實上 先 原來 實況 不過 事實上 只不過 因為 基本上 實際上 所以 無可否認 當然 老老實實 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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