
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zau6 si6
Character Meaning:
as a result; in light of; with regard to; in this/that regard; to accommodate; to yield to; to give in; to acquiesce; to succeed; to complete; close; near; to tend to; arrive; to do; almost; soon; precisely; exactly; right after; immediately after; then
yes; right; correct; affirmative
Part of Speech: conjunction
Labels: Mandarin
  • followed by , to show a logical turn, also 就算 zau6 syun3
    (Chi.) ngo5zau6si6mut6cin2jaa5bat1wui5kau4taa1
    (Cant.) ngo5zau6syun3mou5cin2dou1m4wui5kau4keoi5
    (Eng.) I wouldn't ask for his help even if I became penniless.

  • only
    (Chi.) ze5haai4zi2zan1bat1co3zau6si6noi6hoeng3liu5jat1dim2
    (Cant.) ni1go3sai3lou6zan1hai6m4co3hai6noi6hoeng3zo2di1ze1
    (Eng.) This kid is quite nice, just a bit introvert.

See also: 唯獨是 咋喎 僅僅 即是 只是 可是 君是 正是 總是 要不是 要是 豈不是 還是 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zau6 si6
Character Meaning:
as a result; in light of; with regard to; in this/that regard; to accommodate; to yield to; to give in; to acquiesce; to succeed; to complete; close; near; to tend to; arrive; to do; almost; soon; precisely; exactly; right after; immediately after; then
yes; right; correct; affirmative
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Mandarin
usually 就係 zau6 hai6; is exactly
(Chi.) ze2zau6si6oi3
(Cant.) ni1di1zau6hai6oi3laak3
(Eng.) This is love.
See also: 就係 究竟 究 直程 即是 只是 可是 君是 正是 總是 要不是 要是 豈不是 還是 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License