
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tai2 m4 hei2
Character Meaning:
to look; to look at; to see; to watch; to check; to find out; to think; to judge; to consider; to depend on; to be affected by; to take care of; to keep an eye on; to monitor; be careful of; be wary of
stand up; up; rise; case; instance; from; to rise; to get up; to stand up; to build; to set up; to appear; to form; to draft; to draw up; to work out; to collect; to extract
Part of Speech: verb
to look down on somebody; to despise
(Cant.) ngo5hou2tai2m4hei2di1mat1dou1m4sik1deoi3se5wui2mou5gung3hin3ge3ji6sai3zou2
(Eng.) I despise those rich kids who are ignorant and have no value to the society.
Synonym: Synonym: 睇低 蔑視 鄙夷 鄙視
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 睇好 睇得起
See also: 藐視 蔑 鄙夷 不屑 輕視
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