
Entry #1
Pronunciation: miu5 si6
Character Meaning:
to look askance
sight; to regard; to look at; to watch; television
Part of Speech: verb
to despise; to disregard; to flout
(Cant.) go2go3neoi5jan2hai2faat3ting4leoi5min6lo2sau2gei1jing2di1pui4sam2jyun4bei2faat3gun1gou3keoi5miu5si6faat3ting4
(Eng.) That woman used her mobile phone to take pictures of the jurors inside the court. She was charged with contempt of court by the judge.
See also: 蔑 鄙夷 不屑 輕視 罔顧 不屑一顧 不識抬舉 懷璧其罪 所作所為 明知故犯 毀謗 種族歧視 蔑視 鄙視 雙重標準 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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