
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bat1 sit3
Character Meaning:
no; negator; not

Part of Speech: verb, adjective
to disdain; to despise; to regard doing something as worthless; to feel it beneath one's dignity to do sth
(Cant.) gong1saang1gok3dak1gei3ze2go3man6tai4taai3gaan2daan1tung4jau3zi6keoi5bat1sit3jyu1long6fai3si4gaan3heoi3wui4daap3
(Eng.) Mr. Kong thought the journalist's question was too simple and naive, so he felt it beneath him to waste time answering.
See also: 藐視 蔑 鄙夷 輕視 不屑一顧 不亢不卑 不以為意 不以為然 不悦 不懷好意 不識抬舉 嗤之以鼻 看不起 鄙夷 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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