
Entry #1
Pronunciation: waak6
Part of Speech: verb
  • to draw; to paint
    (Cant.) waak6saan1seoi2waa2
    (Eng.) to draw a painting of hills and water in Chinese style
    (Cant.) waak6gung1zai2
    (Eng.) to draw cartoonish pictures
    (Cant.) waak6haak1baan2
    (Eng.) to draw on the blackboard
    (Cant.) bei2gei2zoeng1zi2keoi5dei6waak6laa1m4hou2bei2keoi5dei6waak6faa1bung6coeng4aa3
    (Eng.) Give them a few pieces of paper to draw. Don't let them draw on the wall and mess it up.
    (Cant.) faai3waa2baan2hou2m4hou2waak6aa3
    (Eng.) Does the painting board suit you?

  • to plot; to mark
    (Cant.) waak6zik1
    (Eng.) to design a floor plan

See also: 抽取 提取 髹油 密謀 串謀 標誌 陰謀
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: waa2
Part of Speech: noun
  • picture; painting (measure word: 幅 / 張)
    (Cant.) waak6jat1fuk1jau4waa2
    (Eng.) to paint an oil painting
    (Cant.) fuk1waa2zan1dou3ngo5ji5wai4hai6soeng2lai4
    (Eng.) The painting is so real that I thought it was a photograph.

  • the visual part of a film; video
    (Cant.) jing2waa2
    (Eng.) film
    (Cant.) jau5sing1mou5waa2
    (Eng.) having audio but no video output

See also: 構思 圖像 圖畫 照片 視頻 影片
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