
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng2
Part of Speech: noun
photograph; picture; snapshot (measure word: 幅 / 張)
(Cant.) 影相jing2 soeng2
(Eng.) to take photos
(Cant.) zing3gin2soeng2
(Eng.) ID photo; passport photo
(Cant.) bei2ngo5tai2haa5di1soeng2aa1
(Eng.) Let me take a look at the photos.
Synonym: Synonym: 照片 相片
See also: 照相 拍照 照片 相片 構思 圖像 圖畫
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: soeng1
Part of Speech: morpheme
each other; one another; mutual; reciprocal
(Cant.) 相愛soeng1 oi3
(Eng.) to love each other
(Cant.) 相同soeng1 tung4
(Eng.) identical
(Cant.) 相等soeng1 dang2
(Eng.) to equal
(Cant.) 相符soeng1 fu4
(Eng.) to conform to; to correspond to
(Cant.) 相傳soeng1 cyun4
(Eng.) to be rumoured; to be traditionally said
(Cant.) 相識soeng1 sik1
(Eng.) to know one another
(Cant.) 相戀soeng1 lyun2
(Eng.) to be in love each other
(Cant.) 相處soeng1 cyu5
(Eng.) to get along with each other
(Cant.) 相繼soeng1 gai3
(Eng.) in succession; one after another; with a slightly formal connotation
(Cant.) 相得益彰soeng1 dak1 jik1 zoeng1
(Eng.) to complement each other and be more than its sum
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 互相 彼此 交叉 互惠 相互
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: soeng3
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • appearance
    (Cant.) 相貌soeng3 maau6
    (Eng.) a person's look
    (Cant.) 睇相tai2 soeng3
    (Eng.) face-reading
    (Cant.) 破相po3 soeng3
    (Eng.) to disfigure one's face
    (Cant.) 點相dim2 soeng3
    (Eng.) to recognize and point sb out

  • divination; to judge by appearance
    (Cant.) 相士soeng3 si6
    (Eng.) face reading fortune teller
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng3jan4hou2zeon2gaa3
    (Eng.) I'm pretty good at judging people.

  • assist
    (Cant.) soeng3fu1gaau3zi2
    (Eng.) to assist the husband and to teach the kids

  • minister; civil officer
    (Cant.) 丞相sing4 soeng3
    (Eng.) chancellor
    (Cant.) 首相sau2 soeng3
    (Eng.) prime minister
    (Cant.) 外相ngoi6 soeng3
    (Eng.) foreign minister
    (Cant.) 財相coi4 soeng3
    (Eng.) Chancellor of the Exchequer/Treasury Minister/Minister of Finance
    (Cant.) luk6soeng3
    (Eng.) Minister of the Army

See also: 面貌 風貌 身世 面孔 模樣 術數 協助 輔助 外相 大臣 部長
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