
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bou1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to boil; to slowly cook liquid for a long time; a type of Chinese cooking method
    (Cant.) 煲湯bou1 tong1
    (Eng.) to make soup
    (Cant.) bou1seoi2jiu3bou1gei2do1fan1zung1sin1ho2ji5on1cyun4jam2jung6
    (Eng.) How many minutes does it take to boil water until it's safe to drink?

  • to smoke cigarettes
    (Cant.) sik6jyun4faan6bou1zi1jin1sin1
    (Eng.) Let me smoke a cigarette after meal.

  • to do an action intensively for a long period of time
    (Cant.) 煲劇bou1 kek6
    (Eng.) to binge-watch soap opera
    (Cant.) 煲電話粥bou1 din6 waa2 zuk1
    (Eng.) to chat over the telephone for hours
    (Cant.) 煲機bou1 gei1
    (Eng.) to burn in a new audio equipment; to have a game marathon

See also: 燙 烚 烹
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: bou1
Part of Speech: noun
cooking pot; kettle; cooker; boiler (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) 電飯煲din6 faan6 bou1
(Eng.) electric cooker
(Cant.) 茶煲caa4 bou1
(Eng.) kettle
(Cant.) 水煲seoi2 bou1
(Eng.) water boiler; water pot
See also: 鍋 電水煲 水煲 曲架 茶煲
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