
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gwan2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to boil
    (Cant.) seoi2gwan2zi1hau6lok6saam1gin6zyu1gwat1
    (Eng.) Once the water boils, add three pieces of pork bone.

  • to prepare thin soup by adding ingredients to water and heating it all till it boils
    (Cant.) 滾湯gwan2 tong1
    (Eng.) to make thin soup
    (Cant.) ngo5lou5dau6laan5bou1lou5fo2tong1tung1soeng4gwan2go3coi3sam1jyu4daan2tong1zau6syun3
    (Eng.) My dad is too lazy to simmer anything; usually he'll just make some choy-sum fishball thin soup.

  • to mess around with other women or men; typically used to refer to married men who mess around with prostitutes
    (Cant.) ngo5m4seon3nei5lou5gung1maan5maan5heoi3gwan2
    (Eng.) I don't think your husband is messing around every night.

  • Clear off! Get lost! (not commonly used)
    (Cant.) gwan2hoi1bin1go3kyun4tau4daai6bin1go3waa6si6
    (Eng.) Step aside! Whoever has the larger fist, whoever calls the shots.

  • to deceive; to gain through using reckless or deceptive actions
    (Cant.) go3neoi5zai2bei2jan4gwan2daai6zo2go3tou5
    (Eng.) That girl got played by a man and got pregnant.
    (Cant.) nei5m4hou2gwan2ngo5wo3
    (Eng.) Don't be trying to cheat me! / Don't you bullshit me!

See also: 呃人 欺騙 瞞騙 熬 燙 烚
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gwan2
Part of Speech: adjective
  • boiling hot
    (Cant.) di1tong1hou2gwan2gaa3ceoi1dung3di1sin1jam2laa1
    (Eng.) The soup is boiling hot. Blow on it to cool it off some before you drink it.

  • very angry
    (Cant.) ngo5hou2gwan2bat1gwo3ngo5jan2zyu6mou5naau6keoi5
    (Eng.) I was so angry, but I restrained myself from quarrelling with him.

See also: 一肚火 怒氣沖沖
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: gwan2
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Mandarin
to roll
(Chi.) daai6sek6cung4saan1soeng6gwan2haa6loi4
(Cant.) gau6daai6sek6jau5saan1soeng6min6luk1lok6lai4
(Eng.) A rock is rolling down the hill.
See also: 擪 轆 搓 滾動 輾 揉
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License