
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caan4 jyu4
Character Meaning:
disabled; in disrepair; looking old; shabby; looking tired; flawed; incomplete; to destroy; to savage; to harm; cruel; ferocious; brutal
surplus; remaining; extra
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
remaining; surviving; the little amount left over when something is not thoroughly removed
(Cant.) caan4jyu4bou6deoi2
(Eng.) remaining forces
(Cant.) caan4jyu4ge3nung4joek6
(Eng.) pesticide residues
Synonym: Synonym: 殘存 殘留
See also: 其餘 餘 餘下 停留 剩下 剩返 淨低 生還 生存 做得住 保命 乾瑤柱 人造纖維 化痰 含苞待放 大腸桿菌 排泄物 殘渣 殘留 盤尼西林 鑽木取火 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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