
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zou6 dak1 zyu6
Character Meaning:
to do; to act; to perform; to be; to become; to be/play (a role); to be as; to give; to make; to provide; to prepare
okay; to get; only have; (suffix); advantage; gain; to equal to; to receive; to calculate; to compute; to only have; acceptable; can; able to; great; good; to have even done; to stay still
to live; for now; can; -able
Part of Speech: verb
(of a business) to survive
(Cant.) zaan6daai6cin2zou6dak1zyu6dou1tau1siu3laa1
(Eng.) Making a fortune? One should be grateful just to survive!
(Cant.) ni1dou6gam3zing6dou1zou6dak1zyu6zan1hai6hou2sai1lei6
(Eng.) It is an achievement that this shop can survive in such a quiet location.
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 做唔住
See also: 生還 生存 保命 殘餘
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