
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sang1 cyun4
Character Meaning:
raw; to give birth; uncooked; alive; Mr.; life; birth; grow; learner; to give birth to; to bear; to grow up; to grow; to cause; to give rise to
to deposit; exist; to exist; to store; to accumulate
Part of Speech: verb
to exist; to live; to survive
(Cant.) sang1cyun4hung1gaan1
(Eng.) room to survive and thrive
(Cant.) sang1cyun4zi1dou6
(Eng.) how one lives
(Cant.) 適者生存sik1 ze2 sang1 cyun4
(Eng.) survival of the fittest
(Cant.) mou5hung1hei3ngo5dei6sang1cyun4m4dou2
(Eng.) We cannot survive without air.
(Cant.) duk6laap6cong3jip6ge3gung1si1ng5nin4hau6jing4jin4sang1cyun4ge3zau6zi2jau515%,10sap6 ng5 poe6 sen1 sap6nin4gang3gaa1zi2dak16.3luk6 dim2 saam1 poe6sen1
(Eng.) Only 5% of newly established companies survive after 5 years, and 6.3% after 10 years.
See also: 在 在 存在 生還 做得住 存活 保命 存活 幸存 求生 生定 生息 自力更生 自給自足 自食其力 苟且偷生 苟延殘喘 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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