
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lik6 cing4
Character Meaning:
to go through; to experience
journey; trip; process; progress
Part of Speech: noun
things happening all along; journey; process; course
(Cant.) sam1lou6lik6cing4
(Eng.) in the course of something
(Cant.) tin1lou6lik6cing4
(Eng.) "Pilgrim's Progress"
(Cant.) ceng2nei5gong2haa5nei5cong3baan6nei5gaan1gung1si1ge3lik6cing4aa1
(Eng.) Please describe the things you have experienced when you set up your company.
See also: 路 旅途 路途 加工 手續 過程 梗係 當然 實係 定啦 係都 五味雜陳 前塵往事 悲歡離合 所見所聞 歷久彌新 經驗之談 繼往開來 荊棘滿途 過程 里程碑 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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