
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hai6 dou1
Character Meaning:
is; to be; "yes"; "right"
all, also; too; also; all; still; already
Part of Speech: adverb
  • no matter what
    (Cant.) keoi5hai6dou1m4sik6coi3ngo5dou1mou5keoi5fu4
    (Eng.) He won't eat vegetables no matter what. I can't do anything about it.
    (Cant.) ngo5hai6dou1m4waa6bei2nei5zi1
    (Eng.) I'm not telling you, no matter what!

  • (used with sentence-final laa1) of course; used to highlight the obviousness of the decision
    (Cant.) hai6dou1m4gong2nei5zi1laa1
    (Eng.) Of course I'm not telling you.
    (Cant.) jau5jan4pek3jau2wo3hai6dou1zau2zo2sin1laa1
    (Eng.) That's a gang fight here, of course you should escape!

See also: 依撈七 千萬 唔理點 無論 歸根結柢 梗係 當然 實係 定啦 理所當然
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