
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gang2 hai6
Character Meaning:
of course; vegetable stem; certainly; fixed; immovable; immutable; obstruct; obstacle; a laughing trope
is; to be; "yes"; "right"
Part of Speech: adverb
of course; certainly; for sure; undoubtedly
(Cant.) keoi5hai2jing1gwok3duk6zo2gam3do1nin4syu1jing1man2gang2hai6gong2dak1hou2gaa3laa1
(Eng.) He has studied in Britain for so many years, of course he speaks good English.
(Cant.) keoi5deoi3nei5gang2hai6jau5ji3si1gaa3laa1
(Eng.) He definitely has feelings for you.
See also: 當然 實係 定啦 理所當然 必定 依撈七 仲好講 剩係 咪話 唔忿氣 唔通 就嚟 真係 算啦 講真 點都 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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