
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zeoi3 hou2
Character Meaning:
most; the most
very; good; like; to like; to be fond of; to be interested in; sure; quite; fine; kind; friendly; to get well; easy to; good for; suitable for
Part of Speech: adverb
best; had better; more suitable or appropriate (used to suggest an action)
(Cant.) zeoi3hou2nei5zau6zou6saai3gung1fo3sin1heoi3waan2
(Eng.) You'd better finish your homework before you play.
(Cant.) kei4sat6nei5zeoi3hou2zau6m4hou2fuk1keoi5
(Eng.) Actually it would be best if you don't reply her.
See also: 究極 最佳 數一數二 至尊 至好 還是 至好 一舉兩得 兩全其美 好事多磨 好來好去 好吃懶做 完美無瑕 應該 最大公約數 知易行難 老老實實 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zeoi3 hou2
Character Meaning:
most; the most
very; good; like; to like; to be fond of; to be interested in; sure; quite; fine; kind; friendly; to get well; easy to; good for; suitable for
Part of Speech: adjective
best; finest; first
(Cant.) nei1zek3paai4zi2zeoi3hou2
(Eng.) This brand is the best.
(Cant.) nei1bou6hai6ngo5jung6gwo3zeoi3hou2ge3din6nou5
(Eng.) This is the best computer I've ever used.
Synonym: Synonym: 最佳
See also: 究極 最佳 數一數二 至尊 至好 首名 初戀 首先 首先 一舉兩得 兩全其美 好事多磨 好來好去 好吃懶做 完美無瑕 應該 最大公約數 知易行難 老老實實 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License