
Entry #1
Pronunciation: co1 lyun2
Character Meaning:
first; early; the beginning of; for the first time; just beginning to; just happened; elementary; junior
to love; to be in love
Part of Speech: noun
  • first love (romance)
    (Cant.) co1lyun2ge3zi1mei6gau3ging2hai6dim2ge3ne1
    (Eng.) I wonder how first love feels like.

  • first love; first lover
    (Cant.) ngo5zung1ji3zo2ngo5co1lyun2sap6nin4jat1zik6nim6nim6bat1mong4
    (Eng.) I have been obsessed with my first lover for ten years already, I still miss him/her.

See also: 首名 最好 首先 一見鍾情 初吻 刻骨銘心 單戀 忘年戀 情竇初開 愛戀 戀愛 苦戀 青梅竹馬 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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