
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zeoi3 gaai1
Character Meaning:
most; the most
good; favourable; beautiful
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
the best; the finest
(Cant.) zeoi3gaai1sik6jung6jat6kei4
(Eng.) best before
(Cant.) zeoi3gaai1paak3dong3
(Eng.) the best partner; the best buddy
(Cant.) zeoi3gaai1kau4jyun4
(Eng.) the best player (of a ball sport)
(Cant.) zeoi3gaai1syun2zaak6
(Eng.) the best choice
(Cant.) si2soeng6zeoi3gaai1
(Eng.) the best ever in history
(Cant.) dou3je6maan5ngo5zau6m4hai6hai2zeoi3gaai1zong6taai3
(Eng.) I am not at my best at night.
See also: 數一數二 至尊 至好 王道 最好 究極 一舉成名 不勝枚舉 代表作 奧斯卡 實至名歸 最好 眾望所歸 絕佳 金獎 首屈一指 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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