
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caap3
Part of Speech: verb
  • (of strip-like or thin objects) to insert; to thrust; to put in; to stick in
    (Cant.) keoi5zoeng1di1mui4gwai3caap3zo2lok6go3faa1zeon1dou6
    (Eng.) He put the rose in the vase.
    (Cant.) m4hai6gwaa3seon3soeng1jap6min6caap3zyu6baa2dou1
    (Eng.) How come? A knife inserted into the letterbox?
    (Cant.) faai3zi2caap3wun2zeoi3zaau6gei6
    (Eng.) Inserting chopsticks vertically into the rice is taboo.
    (Cant.) keoi5m4gok3ji3dou3caap3zo2zi1bat1haai1dou2bat1zim1di1mak6
    (Eng.) She inverted the pen by mistake and got stained with the ink on the tip.

  • to insert; to add; to place between; to join
    (Cant.) 加插gaa1 caap3
    (Eng.) to insert or add new content into the existing arrangement, rundown, etc.
    (Cant.) 插班caap3 baan1
    (Eng.) to join a class in the middle of a course; to be intermediately admitted
    (Cant.) 插嘴caap3 zeoi2
    (Eng.) to interrupt a speech/conversation
    (Cant.) 插隊caap3 deoi2
    (Eng.) to jump the queue
    (Cant.) 插播caap3 bo3
    (Eng.) to interrupt a radio or TV programme with other contents
    (Cant.) 插曲caap3 kuk1
    (Eng.) incidental music; figuratively, incident
    (Cant.) 插畫caap3 waa2
    (Eng.) illustration
    (Cant.) caap3zoeng1tou4hai2nei1loeng5dyun6zung1gaan1
    (Eng.) Insert an image between these two paragraphs.

  • to reprimand; to scold; to admonish; to chastize
    (Cant.) ngo5fan6bou3gou3m4hai6se2dak1gei2hou2ting1jat6hoi1wui2ge3si4hau6sat6bei2lou5sai3caap3dou3fei1hei2
    (Eng.) My report is not very well-written. I'm definitely going to get a scolding from my boss at tomorrow's meeting.

  • to drop in price
    (Cant.) go3gu2si5jau6caap3laa1
    (Eng.) The stock market drops again!

See also: 隊 投入 推力 衝力
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