
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caap3 kuk1
Character Meaning:
to insert; to thrust; to put in; to stick in; to add; to place between; to join; to reprimand; to scold; to admonish; to chastize; to drop in price
song; wrong; injustice; tune; melody; qu (poetry); bent; twisted; curved; curly
Part of Speech: noun
  • interlude; songs in films, dramas or animations (measure word: 首)
    (Cant.) ni1ceot1waa2kek6on1paai4zo2hou2do1siu2caap3kuk1
    (Eng.) This play features many side plots.

  • a small event or interlude, to prevent a whole event from running smoothly (measure word: 段)
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6soeng1sik1ge3gwo3cing4jau5hou2do1caap3kuk1
    (Eng.) There were many unexpected twists and turn of events when they first met.

See also: 主題曲 妙趣橫生 布袋戲 感人肺腑 正歌 羅生門 背景音樂 膾炙人口 自彈自唱 蕩氣迴腸 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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