
Entry #1
Pronunciation: coeng4 so2
Character Meaning:
(measure); place; area; venue; field; ground; stage; site; scene; (theatre) scene
that((grammatical word)); place; site
Part of Speech: noun
place; site; venue (for an activity) (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) gung1gung6coeng4so2
(Eng.) public place; public space
(Cant.) jyu4lok6coeng4so2
(Eng.) place of entertainment; entertainment venue
(Cant.) fung1jyut6coeng4so2
(Eng.) place of debauchery
(Cant.) miu2gaak3lei4go3gung1so2ji5cin4hai6ji5si6tung4gaai2kyut3fan1zang1ge3coeng4so2
(Eng.) The Kung Sor (public meeting place) beside the temple was a place for discussing official business and settling disputes.
(Cant.) ni1go3jau4lok6coeng4hai6go3cung1滿mun5tung4nin4wui4jik1ge3coeng4so2
(Eng.) This playground is a place full of my childhood memories.
See also: 竇口 名次 現場 所在地 場地 會場 場館 保齡球場 卧室 場地 娛樂場 户內 托兒所 百貨商場 處所 託兒所 診療所 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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