
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sang1 ming6
Character Meaning:
raw; to give birth; uncooked; alive; Mr.; life; birth; grow; learner; to give birth to; to bear; to grow up; to grow; to cause; to give rise to
life; fate; to order; to command; order; instruction; to assign a title; to entitle; lifetime
Part of Speech: noun
life (of a living organism); the condition of plants and animals before death, and typically involving an inherent capacity to grow, procreate, and carry on this cycle (measure word: 條)
(Cant.) 生命體sang1 ming6 tai2
(Eng.) lifeform
(Cant.) zan1sik1sang1ming6
(Eng.) to cherish one's life
(Cant.) sang1ming6mou5take twotik1 cu1
(Eng.) You only live once.
(Cant.) tou5leoi5min6jau5jat1tiu4siu2sang1ming6ge3gam2gok3zan1hai6hou2kei4miu6
(Eng.) What a wonderful experience it is to have a living baby inside one's tummy.
See also: 生活 人生 一生 人生 大自然 往生 性命 本命 生死有命 生老病死 自然界 苦命 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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