
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ming6 on3
Character Meaning:
life; fate; to order; to command; order; instruction; to assign a title; to entitle; lifetime
case; table; desk; file; record; to make a note; to comment
Part of Speech: noun
a case involving the killing of human being(s) by other human being(s) such as murder or manslaughter; homicide (measure word: 單 / 宗 / 件)
(Cant.) uk1cyun1cam4maan5faat3sang1zo2jat1daan1ming6on3
(Eng.) A murder took place in this housing estate last night.
See also: 兇殺案 兇案 作案 兇案 兇殺案 冤案 情殺 慘案 懸案 無頭公案 疑案 血案 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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