
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tung4
Part of Speech: adjective
same; identical; common
(Cant.) 同班tung4 baan1
(Eng.) from the same class
(Cant.) 同校tung4 haau6
(Eng.) from the same school
(Cant.) 同齡tung4 ling4
(Eng.) same age
(Cant.) tung4nin4gei2
(Eng.) same age
(Cant.) 同理tung4 lei5
(Eng.) same reason
(Cant.) 同等tung4 dang2
(Eng.) of the same rank, class, status or degree
(Cant.) tung4nin4
(Eng.) same year
(Cant.) 同期tung4 kei4
(Eng.) same term, season, or year; same lot; corresponding period
(Cant.) 同時tung4 si4
(Eng.) at the same time; meanwhile; simultaneously
(Cant.) tung4ji6
(Eng.) same meaning
(Cant.) 同牀異夢tung4 cong4 ji6 mung6
(Eng.) ostensible partners with different agendas; literally: to share the same bed with different dreams
(Cant.) 同心協力tung4 sam1 hip3 lik6
(Eng.) to work in full cooperation for a common goal
(Cant.) tung4gan1tung4jyun4
(Eng.) of the same origin; to have common roots
(Cant.) tung4man4tung4zung2
(Eng.) to share the same language and be of the same ethnicity
(Cant.) 唔同m4 tung4
(Eng.) different; distinct; not the same
(Cant.) 志同道合zi3 tung4 dou6 hap6
(Eng.) to share the same ideas and thoughts; to have a common goal; to be in the same camp
(Cant.) daai6gaa1nam2faat3m4hai6hou2tung4mou5baan6faat3laa1
(Eng.) Our thoughts are quite different. There's nothing to do.
See also: 一致 同一 相同 同樣 同等 雷同 尋常 一般 共同 普通
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: tung4
Part of Speech: preposition
  • to do something for another's benefit
    (Cant.) ngo5tung4nei5bou2gun2zyu6di1cin2
    (Eng.) I'll keep the money for you.

  • to; directs an action towards something or someone else to achieve some end
    (Cant.) ngo5tung4nei5gong2je5nei5dou1teng1m4dou2
    (Eng.) You can't hear what I say to you.
    (Cant.) haa2keoi5tung4daai6ji5窿lung1ze3cin2aa4
    (Eng.) What? He borrowed money from loan sharks?

Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: tung4
Part of Speech: conjunction
with; to indicate some relationship between the two
(Cant.) ngo5tung4nei5jat1cai4heoi3
(Eng.) We'll go together.
(Cant.) ngo5jau5je5tung4nei5soeng1loeng4
(Eng.) I want to discuss something with you.
(Cant.) keoi5tung4keoi5gaa1ze1jat1joeng6gam3leng3
(Eng.) She is as pretty as her elder sister.
(Cant.) keoi5zung1ji3caai2daan1ce1tung4daa2jyu5mou4kau4
(Eng.) He likes cycling and playing badminton.
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