
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wai2
Part of Speech: quantifier
measure word for people, often used with respect
(Cant.) sin1saang1gei2do1wai2aa3saam1go3aa1
(Eng.) "Sir, how many seats?" (asked by waiters while seating patrons) "Three."
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: wai2
Part of Speech: noun
  • seat; place to sit (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) baa3wai2
    (Eng.) to occupy a seat
    (Cant.) ngo5haang4zo2seng4jat6dou1mou5wai2co5hou2gui6
    (Eng.) After having walked all day long, I still get no seat and feel so tired.
    (Cant.) jap6min6zung6jau5loeng5go3wai2
    (Eng.) There are still two seats inside.

  • place; spot; position; geographic part (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) am3gok3wai2
    (Eng.) dark corner
    (Cant.) 騎呢位ke4 le4 wai2
    (Eng.) speed camera locations
    (Cant.) waan1wai2
    (Eng.) turn; curve
    (Cant.) soeng5kiu4wai2
    (Eng.) entrance of a bridge
    (Cant.) ni1go3wai2bui3gwong1wo3
    (Eng.) This spot is in backlit situation.
    (Cant.) nei5hai2zaam6leoi5min6bin1go3wai2aa3
    (Eng.) Where are you located in the station?

  • part of a thing or matter; point in a continuum
    (Cant.) gou1ciu4wai2
    (Eng.) climax
    (Cant.) gaa3wai2
    (Eng.) price level
    (Cant.) zoeng1soeng2paai4co3wai2wo3bun1heoi3tau4go2dyun6ge3jau6bin1laa1
    (Eng.) The photo is misplaced. Move it to the right side of the first paragraph.
    (Cant.) tou3pin2hau6bun3dyun6ging6do1siu3wai2aa3
    (Eng.) The latter half of the movie contains so many gags.

  • place; position; identity; role (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) ni1go3wai2m4ji6zou6gaa3
    (Eng.) It is not easy to play this role well.

  • place or figure (of a number)
    (Cant.) go3wai2sou3
    (Eng.) a single-digit number
    (Cant.) baak3wai2
    (Eng.) hundreds

See also: 就座 席 位置 座椅 座位 竇口 現場 粉刺 污漬 青春痘 立場 職位 健康 擔當 一致 同一 相同 雷同
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: wai6
Part of Speech: quantifier
position; rank
(Cant.) bun2zau1tau4sap6wai6
(Eng.) this week's first ten
(Cant.) nei5hai2ngo5sam1muk6zung1wing5jyun5dou1hai6dai6jat1wai6
(Eng.) You'll always be number one in my heart.
See also: 立場 位置 職位 健康 擔當 架子 排位 評分
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: wai6
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • the original tone of 位 wai2
    (Cant.) 各就各位gok3 zau6 gok3 wai6
    (Eng.) on your marks
    (Cant.) zyu2zik6zi1wai6
    (Eng.) the position of Chairperson

  • specifically, the seat of the throne
    (Cant.) 在位zoi6 wai6
    (Eng.) to be on the throne
    (Cant.) 篡位saan3 wai6
    (Eng.) to usurp the throne

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