
Entry #1
Pronunciation: pou2 tung1
Character Meaning:
general; common; universal
common; pass; macaroni; pipes; expert; to communicate; to inform; to lead to; to arrive at; to understand; to know; open; through; connected; logical; coherent; reasonable; entire; whole
Part of Speech: adjective
ordinary; common; average
(Cant.) pou2tung1jan4
(Eng.) ordinary people
(Cant.) nei1gin6saam1hou2pou2tung1
(Eng.) This piece of clothing is just ordinary.
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 特別
See also: common 平凡 不足為奇 尋常 一般 共同 中上 中游 拉勻 拉上補下 平均 一分錢一分貨 一般 一般見識 中規中矩 可有可無 大材小用 大路貨 家常便飯 平常 粗茶淡飯 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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