
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng5 sik1
Character Meaning:
go up; top; to go up; to move upwards; to board; to get on a vehicle; to go ahead; to forge ahead; to fill; to supply; to serve a dish; to install; to attend class; to wind; to screw; to tighten; on top of
colour; countenance; look; expression; feminine charm; lust; sex; scenery; quality; characteristic
Part of Speech: verb
to colour
(Cant.) ci4hei3dai2bou6m4ho2ji5soeng5sik1jyu4gwo2m4hai6wui5ci1zyu6go3jiu4
(Eng.) The bottom of those porcelain objects cannot be coloured; otherwise they will get stuck to the kiln when being baked.
See also: 色彩 顏色 彩色 五顏六色 三原色 啞色 塗裝 成色 染色 淨色 甩色 素色 脱色 襯色 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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