
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat1 ding6
Character Meaning:
one; as soon as; once
stable; to fix; to set; to make a decision; firm; steady; calm; fixed
Part of Speech: adverb
  • certainly; surely; necessarily
    (Cant.) ji4gaa1m4ceot1faat3jat1ding6ci4dou3
    (Eng.) If we are not leaving now, we will surely be late.

  • to imply certainty to enhance the imperative mood of the sentence
    (Cant.) nei5jat1ding6jiu3zou6gung1fo3
    (Eng.) You must complete your homework.
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6jat1ding6jiu3jeng4
    (Eng.) We must win.
    (Cant.) nei5jat1ding6m4ho2ji5sei2
    (Eng.) You must not die.

See also: 必定 梗係 依撈七 當然 十成十 鐵定 肯定 不一定 未必 用不着 可能 如果 就算 必定 應該 所以 既然 當然 肯定 起碼 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: jat1 ding6
Character Meaning:
one; as soon as; once
stable; to fix; to set; to make a decision; firm; steady; calm; fixed
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
substantial; a certain (level); non-trivial
(Cant.) daat6zi3jat1ding6seoi2ping4
(Eng.) to reach a fairly high level
(Cant.) kap1jyu5jat1ding6ge3zung6si6
(Eng.) to attach due importance to
(Cant.) seoi1jin4sau6zo2soeng1keoi5dou1faat3fai1dou2jat1ding6ge3seoi2zeon2
(Eng.) Although he is injured, he performs at a reasonable level.
See also: 充實 事幹 查證 可能 如果 就算 必定 應該 所以 既然 當然 肯定 起碼 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License