
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mei6 bit1
Character Meaning:
not yet; have not; did not; yet
certainly; definitely; must; necessarily
Part of Speech: adverb
may not; not necessarily
(Cant.) nei5jau6soeng2maai5san1ce1aa4nei5lou5po4mei6bit1jing1sing4gaa3wo3
(Eng.) Do you want to buy a new car again? Your wife may not necessarily agree.
(Cant.) gam2hai6mai6duk6syu1hou2zau6jat1ding6jap6dou2daai6hok6ne1gam2jau6mei6bit1
(Eng.) But do good grades guarantee a university place? Well, not necessarily.
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 一定
See also: 不一定 用不着 一定 一定 不一定 不見得 多多少少 如果 應該 或多或少 無可厚非 無可否認 若果 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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