
Entry #1
Pronunciation: waan4 san4
Character Meaning:
to return; even; to bring back; to repay; and also; more; still
god; spirit; mind; expression; look; goddess; deity; not working; dysfunctional; inoperative; insane; crazy; nuts; mad; out of one's mind
Part of Speech: verb
to express one's gratitude to the gods; to go back to the temple and make offerings after having one's wish fulfilled or granted by a god or goddess
(Cant.) 劏雞還神tong1 gai1 waan4 san4
(Eng.) to slaughter a chicken to offer to the deity
(Cant.) nei5dei6gam1ci3jyu6dou2ji3ngoi6dou1daai6naan6bat1sei2faai3di1heoi3waan4san4laa1
(Eng.) You guys should thank god as soon as possible that you were still alive after such an accident.
See also: 二郎神 大喜過望 天打雷劈 恭敬不如從命 才高八斗 料事如神 神魂顛倒 義薄雲天 酬神 龍馬精神 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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