
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hei2 gin3
Character Meaning:
stand up; up; rise; case; instance; from; to rise; to get up; to stand up; to build; to set up; to appear; to form; to draft; to draw up; to work out; to collect; to extract
to meet; to see; to experience; to feel; to consider; to regard
Part of Speech: noun
motive; purpose; concern
(Cant.) wai6sang1hei2gin3bou2ci4se5gaau1keoi5lei4
(Eng.) For the sake of hygiene, keep social distance.
(Cant.) wai6zo2on1cyun4hei2gin3gung1zung3jing1goi1ting4zi2使si2jung6ni1di1m4on1cyun4ge3caan2ban2
(Eng.) For safety's sake, the public should stop using these unsafe products.
(Cant.) seoi1jin4zi2hai6siu2si6daan6hai6san6zung6hei2gin3zeoi3hou2man6zo2zyu2jam6ji3gin3sin1
(Eng.) Although it is just a trivial matter, we had better seek the director's opinion first for caution's sake.
(Cant.) wai6hip3zo6gung1zung3hei2gin3ngo5dei6zau6gok3hong6gin3ji5so2tai4ceot1ge3geoi6tai2man6tai4zing1kau4wui4jing3
(Eng.) To assist the public, we have asked for responses to specific questions raised by the proposals.
(Cant.) gam2zou6dou1hai6wai6fong1便bin6hei2gin3ze1
(Eng.) Doing in this way is just for convenience.
See also: 動機 用心 旨 關注 干 牽涉 憂慮 困擾 推進 原動力 有心 宗旨 目的 三思而行 以策安全 以防萬一 取悦 夜長夢多 打退堂鼓 產前檢查 見機行事 防患未然 顧全大局 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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