
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zin6
Part of Speech: adjective
  • despicable; contemptible; detestable; mean; of bad morals
    (Cant.) mat1dak1nei5baa2hau2gam3zin6gaa3
    (Eng.) How can you be so mean?
    (Cant.) go2di1zin6jan4m4dai2ho2lin4
    (Eng.) These detestable people are not worthy of pity.

  • menial; lowly; humble; dirty
    (Cant.) 賤民zin6 man4
    (Eng.) pariah
    (Cant.) hai2ni1gaan1gung1si1daa2gung1zin6gwo3zou6gau2
    (Eng.) Being an employee of this company is worse than being a dog.

  • unreasonably cheap
    (Cant.) 賤賣zin6 maai6
    (Eng.) to sell at an inordinately low price
    (Cant.) nei5di1fo3maai6dou3gam3zin6zik1hai6ding2laan6si5ze1
    (Eng.) The price you set on your goods are so low that you're driving people out of business!
    (Cant.) keoi5jyun4bun2daa2syun3caau2sau2gei1git3gwo2bin3haai5wai4jau5bun3gaa3zin6maai6
    (Eng.) He intended to flip mobile phones for a profit, but got caught in a price crash. He ended up selling his stockpile at half price.

See also: 下賤 卑鄙 揦鮓 低莊 衰格 惡頂 可鄙 卑劣 賤格 平均 意義 低賤
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: zin6
Part of Speech: affix
Labels: Obsolete
(prefix) a self-deprecating way to refer to oneself or one's own
(Cant.) 賤內zin6 noi6
(Eng.) my humble wife
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License