
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gun1 nim6
Character Meaning:
to look at; Taoist temple; to observe; viewpoint; stance; Taoism temple; 'Koon'
read; to miss sby; idea; thought; to think of; to miss (someone)
Part of Speech: noun
mentality; views; sense (measure word: 個 / 種)
(Cant.) dou6dak1gun1nim6
(Eng.) sense of morality
(Cant.) si4gaan3gun1nim6
(Eng.) sense of time; sense of punctuality
(Cant.) co3ng6gun1nim6
(Eng.) misconception
See also: 心理 心態 心智 偵測 見識 意義 觀看 檢視 所見 世界觀 人生觀 價值觀 審美觀 思想 思維 意識 意識形態 概念 道德感 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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