
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gok3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to feel; to sense
    (Cant.) gok3dung3
    (Eng.) to feel cold
    (Cant.) gok3wan4
    (Eng.) to feel dizzy
    (Cant.) gok3m4gok3ni1gaan1fong2hou2guk6
    (Eng.) Do you feel that the room is stuffy?

  • to think; to be of the opinion that
    (Cant.) nei5gok3m4gok3keoi5go3jan4hou2seoi1
    (Eng.) Do you think he is bad?
    (Cant.) ngo5dou1gok3aa3wai5hou2leng3zai2
    (Eng.) I also think Ah-Wai is handsome.
    (Cant.) ngo5m4hai6hou2gok3keoi5zam1deoi3nei5wo3
    (Eng.) I don't really think she is picking on you.

  • to be aware of; to notice; to come to someone's attention
    (Cant.) 覺眼gok3 ngaan5
    (Eng.) conspicuous; noticeable
    (Cant.) siu2siu2baan1dim2ze1m4gok3ge3
    (Eng.) There are only a few tiny spots. People won't notice them.

Synonym: Synonym: 感到 覺得
See also: 察覺 注意 須知 張貼 覺眼 偵測 見識 意義 觀念
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gaau3
Part of Speech: morpheme
sleep; nap
(Cant.) 晏覺aan3 gaau3
(Eng.) afternoon nap
(Cant.) 回魂覺wui4 wan4 gaau3
(Eng.) refreshing sleep or nap
(Cant.) 回籠覺wui4 lung4 gaau3
(Eng.) another sleep after a sleep
(Cant.) fan3faan1go3leng3gaau3sin1
(Eng.) I'll have a nice sleep!
See also: 瞓覺 睡覺 寐 閉目養神 嗍
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License