
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hou6 ziu6
Character Meaning:
number; mark or symbol
to call someone up; to convene; to summon
Part of Speech: noun
to call for support; to rally
(Cant.) 號召力hou6 ziu6 lik6
(Eng.) ability to call for response or appeal to the public; power to rally supporters
(Cant.) ngo5dei6hoeng2jing3dak6keoi1zing3fu2ge3hou6ziu6sing1kei4jat6heoi3tau4piu3
(Eng.) We respond to the call of the SAR Government—we will vote on Sunday.
See also: 上街 號召力 一呼百應 共襄善舉 前赴後繼 召集 發起 眾志成城 自發 遍地開花 集腋成裘 響應 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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