
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng5 gaai1
Character Meaning:
go up; top; to go up; to move upwards; to board; to get on a vehicle; to go ahead; to forge ahead; to fill; to supply; to serve a dish; to install; to attend class; to wind; to screw; to tighten; on top of
street; out
Part of Speech: verb
to demonstrate on the streets; to take part in a rally
(Cant.) mui5nin4cat1jat1dou1jau5sing4cin1soeng5maan6ge3hoeng1gong2si5man4soeng5gaai1hoeng3zing3fu2biu2daat6sou3kau4
(Eng.) On 1st July every year, thousands of Hong Kong citizens take to the streets to express their demands to the government.
See also: 號召力 號召 一呼百應 冒雨 坐言起行 天安門廣場 扶老攜幼 無動於中 萬人空巷 萬眾一心 遊行 遍地開花 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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