
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fei4
Part of Speech: adjective
  • fat; obese
    (Cant.) sik6gam3do1faai3caan1jan1zyu6fei4aa3
    (Eng.) You eat too much fast food, watch your weight!
    (Cant.) aa3gei1fei4dak1zai6so2ji5ji1sang1ming6ling6keoi5zit3sik6gaam2fei4aa3
    (Eng.) Kei is overweight, so the doctor ordered him to go on a diet.
    (Cant.) nei5zyu2di1gam3hou2mei6ge3sung3bei2ngo5sik6hai6mai6soeng2cou5fei4ngo5sin1
    (Eng.) Are you trying to fatten me up with such delicious dishes you cooked?

  • (of meat) fatty; oily; greasy
    (Cant.) bei2sei3sap6man1fei4zyu1juk6ngo5aa1
    (Eng.) Give me $40 of fatty pork please.

  • fattening; making one fat
    (Cant.) be1zau2hou2fei4gaa3wo3nei5soeng2sau3zeoi3hou2jam2siu2di1
    (Eng.) Beer is fattening. You'd better drink less if you want to lose weight.

  • (of soil) fertile; rich
    (Cant.) fei4liu2
    (Eng.) fertilizer
    (Cant.) ni1faai3tin4hou2fei4juk1
    (Eng.) This field is fertile.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
See also: 肥屍大隻 肥胖 肥腯腯 肥揗揗 癡肥 胖 油膩 肥美 膩 油 滑潺潺 油性 清淡 把口𠺘過油
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: fei4
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Loanword
(from the English word 'fail') to fail a test or an examination; to flunk
(Cant.) gam1ci3haau2si5jau6fei4zo2
(Eng.) I failed the exam again!
(Cant.) aa3sirsoe4nei5m4hou2fei4ngo5laa1
(Eng.) Sir, don't give me a fail please!
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License