
Entry #1
Pronunciation: syun3 laa1
Character Meaning:
calculate; nevermind; to tally; to analyze; to let it be; to let it pass; to forget it; to be counted as; to be regarded
Part of Speech: expression
"Never mind."; "Forget it"; "Let it go"; an expression used to conciliate, or to urge acceptance of a bad situation, or to bring a situation to an end
(Cant.) ngo5zi1nei5dou1m4hai6zyun1dang1ge3syun3laa1
(Eng.) I know you didn't mean to do that. I'll forget it.
(Cant.) siu2siu2cin2ze1syun3laa1
(Eng.) It's just a small amount of money. Forget it.
See also: 算了 不打緊 不要緊 唔緊要 冇所謂 仲好講 冇計 咪話 唔好意思 好啦 好聲好氣 屌你老母 老老實實 講真 頂唔順 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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