
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mou4 gu1
Character Meaning:
nothing; none; nil; without; lacking
crime; sin; guilt; to let someone down; to betray
Part of Speech: adjective
  • innocent; blameless
    (Cant.) keoi5hai6mou4gu1gaa3jiu3gwaai3zau6gwaai3ngo5laa1
    (Eng.) He is innocent. If you need someone to blame, blame me!

  • negatively affected by something outside of one's control; innocent
    (Cant.) keoi5soeng2heoi3hyun3hoi1keoi5dei6m4hou2daa2gaau1dim2zi1bei2keoi5daa2zo2jat1kyun4zan1hai6mou4gu1aa3
    (Eng.) He wanted to urge them not to fight, but unexpectedly caught a fist. Who could blame him!

See also: 殺害 天真 清白 純品 清純 受屈 手無寸鐵 死不足惜 死有餘辜 無妄之災 無差別 罪有應得 老弱婦孺 自作自受 貪生怕死 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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