
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tin1 zan1
Character Meaning:
sky; day; 24 hours
true; earnest; real; genuine; sincere; honest; wholehearted; really; truly; indeed; clearly; carefully; serious
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: adjective
naive; innocent
(Cant.) 天真無邪tin1 zan1 mou4 ce4
(Eng.) innocent; childlike
(Cant.) 天真爛漫tin1 zan1 laan6 maan6
(Eng.) innocent and unaffected
(Cant.) ngo5dong1si4zan1hai6hou2so4hou2tin1zan1
(Eng.) I was so silly and naive by that time.
See also: 無知 幼稚 唔熟性 純品 清白 清純 純情 殺害 一廂情願 不知天高地厚 不自量力 幼稚 無可救藥 自以為是 自作多情 自作聰明 自我感覺良好 自欺欺人 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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